Image of Elliot calciamos marrow

Summary: a young fellow looking for a place to fit in

Elliot calciamos marrow

Owned by:

Gender: male

Age: 15 1/2

Group: Mercenaries

Group (Verden/Dale/Other)

no group


half dragon half human


job:merc work,blacksmithing
skill:sword fighting,magic,blacksmithing,healing,alchemy


rank:wandering blacksmith
title:the bleeding dragon

Physical Appearance

pale skin, dirty blond hair,blue eyes,purple draconic wings,one skeleton hand.

Personality and interests



came from a small island father was a draconic knight mother was a tavern owner one day she died and i set out on my adventure finding my father's remains on a battlefield i made a deal with death losing all the skin on my right hand causing it to be bone. i continue on to become a draconic knight and to supply all of the world from my armoury.

Favourite food

sweet rolls,any meat,fruit,vegetables.

This character is owned by:

Character questions

Recent Activity

Image of Elliot calciamos marrow
Mentioned in the post OOC - Continue? Oct 14, 2019, 5:21pm
Mentioned in the post HE FEll asleep AT HIs POst Mar 9, 2018, 12:44am
Mentioned in the post the strange smith arives Feb 28, 2018, 1:53am
Updated character profile Feb 27, 2018, 10:54pm
Mentioned in the post the strange smith arives Feb 27, 2018, 10:44pm
Mentioned in the post OOC - Welcome watsone2! Feb 27, 2018, 7:27am
Mentioned in the post