Bloody Sheets

- Dalen Capital, Valade Estate, Morning, 3 DSTR -

"I'm Zaonna, and art is very much my preferred skill." She admired her harp with such respect. "My mother taught me most of my trade. Everything I know came from her."

"As for last night, I can't say much. I, as was directed, stayed in the slave quarters like a coward. I don't know what happened other than the sinister obvious."Once again I'm sorry. Just as she spoke a red haired man burst through the door dragging a man behind him causing her to jump.

"Miss would you be so kind as to get me something like a large sheet to keep blood off the floor?" he asked her before looking to Kline.

She nodded with wide eyes, launching up from her seat with shaky hands. Why would he need to keep blood off the floor? Why was he here, doing this? Wasn't there enough blood already? Just yesterday a man was murdered! Her thoughts overwhelmed her as she dashed through the hall until reaching the bedding cupboard. She slowly grabbed one of the larger sheets before shutting the door and gripping the fabric with such nerve.
Her heart could tear out of her chest right then and there.
Zaonna returned to the man who'd given his request.

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