Troubles ahead...

---- Dalen Archives, afternoon ----

In the meantime Gareth had no other option than to return to the library to once again try to get the book he had promised to bring Thia. However, because of all that had transpired yesterday he had no idea of how he would ever be able to succeed in his quest. He was caught up in quite a dilemma. He had to bring Thia this book she desiered or face her punishment if he failed. But yesterday he hadn't dared to say yes to borrowing the book even though Enanth had been kind enough to offer him this option, as Gareth knew he would not be able to return it if Thia first got a hold of it.
He desperately needed some guidance in order to help make his decision and the only one he could think of asking was Enanth.

Like the day before he snug into the archives, hoping to pass for a student, though this time he had to keep an eye out for any of those that might have seen him yesterday. Quietly he started his search for Enanth, but only a few minutes into his search he got distracted by an only too familiar scent: Blood. The scent was very weak and yet there could be no mistake.

He kept calm, though he could not resist the urge to find the source of the smell, and moved deeper and deeper into the archives. Then he found them. At the most northern end of the building in a strangely decorated part of the library he found Enanth and some younger man, seemingly preparing for some kind of ritual, though Gareth had no idea of what.

Curious to see what this was all about Garteh waited half way hidden behind one of the enormously tall bookshelves. But then he suddenly realised that he had meet the man in front of Enanth before. Quickly he took a step back so he now was completly concealed behind the shelf. The sight of the man brought back a lot of unpleasant memories, making Gareth shiver with fear. He wanted to run away, but couldn't. Not without Thias book...

< Prev : No fighting Next > : OOC - Sorry...