Okay Sis

Auriel then looked Jack in the eye. "But I think you can. Already, you've brought something to the conquered and the downtrodden of this region that hasn't been here for a long time. That something is hope. As long as you continue to fight the wicked subjugators of this realm, that hope will grow. And with that hope will come the realization that we don't have to be oppressed, that we have control over our fate and our destiny if we are willing to fight those who oppress us."
"Jack, I don't know why you are here or what you want to do with your life, but I firmly believe that you have the power to bring about great change. And you don't have to do it alone."
Auriel sat back and sighed. "Whew, sorry Jack, just realized I was coming after you really hard after I just met you. I just... I just get really passionate about this, ya know? Honestly, people like us are blessed with amazing power, and I feel it is a shame to be around such misery and not try to do something about it."

LeLu was looking back and forth at Auriel and and Jack as she had her poor little mind blown by Auriel's story. Jack smirked as he held LeLu's hand and nodded at her.

Jack: That was a lot to hear huh?

LeLu: Yes. Your sister has had quite a life.

Jack: Yeah well Mom has been around for a very long time and she told me I have a lot of siblings.

LeLu: So you all age like elves?

Jack: Something like that. I'm half Incubis-half human so its hard to gauge. From what I can see Auriel is half Tiefling-half Succubus so she will probably have a longer lifespan than me.

LeLu: So what will you do?

Jack: Well as you have noticed my choices are few. I could just take you to my old home and hide like a hermit and forget all about this, but I would die of boredom. Since I got no love for the kingdom of Dalen and it is out to string me up because of its crazy laws I would not shed a tear to see it taken down.

LeLu: Would that make you happy to fight in a war Jack?

Jack: No not really, but people like us don't fit in with them. During my time here only a handful of residents showed me an ounce of kindness like yourself LeLu.

LeLu: Like the Inn lady?

Jack: Yeah. I am not sure if she knew who I was but she covered for us regardless so I prefer to let her and her business stay untouched. Besides a brothel is something our mom would want to have all around the kingdom anyway since she is a succubus.

Jack looked at Auriel and smirked at her.

Jack: I get why you need me Auriel. We are related and trust is hard to come by in this messed up kingdom. Not to mention mom was brutal when it came to our training so I can imagine you don't have many members on our level or higher since you are recruiting from the slave pens. Since my choices are either cowering back at home, living a life on the run or helping out my idealistic older sister, I can see my choice is clear................(pause).........I'll ride with you sis, but till I get to know your crew..........trust will be an issue with me and them. I'll also keep LeLu with me for the time being since she went and did an elf bond on me. I'll train her when I have time. As for resources mom already gave me what I needed. So what do we do now sis?


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