Is that real?

Sabina held back a shriek as she watched the wraith take form before her eyes. Of course she knew that he was going to create one, but she hadn't expect him to actually succeed just like that.

Still trying to hide her fear from the others she hesitated sligthly before pressing her heels against the horses flanks, making it move forwards once more. This was starting to get out of hand, but she couldn't let it show. She needed this guy for the spell and after that she would newer have to see any of the two of them again.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Gareth backed away sligthly, not really wanting to be too close when the wraith was created. He looked a little back and forth between Ceriden and Sabina, trying to figure out if everyone were allright with this and when seeing Sabina riding off he just followed without asking any questions.

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