OOC - I'm back!

All right! I’m sorry I haven’t posted the last couple of days, but now I’ve finished some of the most important parts of this games history and tried to create a map. I’m just about to finish some minor details, but then I will add the history to the “Game Information” and add some more details to both Thalia and Asgurt.
If some of it doesn’t make any sense at all then just let me know and I will change it as soon as possible.

Though before I do all of this I will reply on the posts that my characters are involved with, so you don’t have to wait any longer on this ;)

Last thing; Since I’m from Denmark (which I hope will answer aasullys question earlier ;) ) I’m running on European time, so if you are American I’m roughly 6-9 hours ahead of you, which is why I’m probably posting at some strange hours and the explanation(/bad excuse) as to why I’m not as good at writing as you are, but I hope it’s all right with you guys ;)

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