Invitation de dîner

- Dalen Woodland, Morning of 2 DSTR –

Kalena smiled in delight at the prospect of a cup of tea. She excitedly unhooked the small canteen bottle strapped to her sword belt that hung next to her coin pouch. “Yes, I have water, and why yes... black tea is actually my tea of choice for the morning. Don't tell me you have some Orange Pekoe in that trunk of yours?”

Lafayette retrieved a small metal tin, that was painted quite fancy though dented over time. Fishing through the tin with two fingers he removed what looked to be enough leaves for a cup of tea, portioned out, wrapped up in cheese cloth and sealed with string. "Prenez soin de thé?" He asked her dangling the ball from the string.

“Je vous remercie pour votre effort,” she replied, pronouncing the words carefully, but rather poorly, for she only knew a smattering of the language.

Lafayette asked, "Is there a black horse? I care not for the speed at which it runs, I just always choose them."

Kalena slowly looked up from where she was beginning to heat the water. “How interesting. I did not look at them very closely so I'm not sure,” she answered, her gray-green eyes narrowing suspiciously. She also preferred black horses that could blend into the night's dark gloom and her own horse happened to be a midnight black mare. Did Lafayette know this about her, or was his preference due to the fact the man was also a trained assassin like herself?

"Are you going to questions me as well? You are free to ask me what you wish. I do hope my answers satisfy you, though you must understand some I may not answer. A man must have some secrets. I'd rather not say something to anger you. I do abhor fighting women. But allow me to ask the first question. Do you plan to continue to lead that poor man along like a le toutou...pardon...a lap dog?

“I haven't the faintest idea what you mean,” Kalena said, with an innocent smile, “but I think that sounds quite insulting to Kline, don't you? By the sounds of it, you did not exactly hit it off. Not that that surprises me much. Two strong personalities don't often get along with each other, especially such two very different ones. A bit of a culture clash as well I expect.” She leaned back and regarded him amusedly. "It's a pity you don't like fighting women. I was actually thinking of asking you to spar with me... to see just how good you are with that sword of yours. I personally rather enjoy fighting men; they tend to have all the physical advantages, which I find very satisfying to overcome with skill, strategy and a little finesse. But perhaps you only wish to spar verbally, something I trust you're also proficient at, or at least take much enjoyment from.” She added the tea leaves to the boiling water and breathed in the steam floating up into the chill morning air. “Now that smells like Earl Grey! I don't know much about you, Lafayette, but it's clear your taste in beverages is impeccable.” She set down the cup to give the tea time to steep. “You're entitled to your secrets, so I won't overly pry into your background. But if you don't wish to tell us what it is you did for a living in your homeland, or what it is you're doing here so far from home, simple ordinary questions like that, we might be forced to come to some obvious and unpleasant conclusions. Instead I'll ask you this: what would you like us to know about you? If you did not strike me as so capable, perhaps I might wonder if you were merely travelling scholar of some kind. A professional lecturer perhaps? Whatever you were lecturing to Kline about though, I take it he was less than impressed? It would be a shame if the rest of Dalen found you much the same. I for one happen to appreciate your unique charm and wit. I invited Kline to be a guest at my home, and I would like to extend the invitation to you as well. With you in attendance the dinner conversation should prove lively and entertaining, and I would be pleased to introduce you to some of my other friends who I'm sure will be curious to meet someone from your distant land, and hear about what you think of our little kingdom. You will come, won't you?”

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