Fifth Wheel

-Dalen Capital, Valade Estate. Around Noonish, 2 DSTR-

“I trust the accommodations are to their liking?” Kalena replied, moving back to allow Kline to step forward. “This is Gularzob Nugbu, a blacksmith of some small renown,” she said, deliberately moderating her praise and flashing a quick, playful smile at the orc. “His farrier skills are quite good—so good in fact that he is the only one in Dalen who I'll let shoe any of my horses. And this, Gularzob, is Baron Kline Lowson, another guest to our fair city. His Excellency owns a prestigious vineyard and wine business.”

“Your house is very fine, and my men are thankful for your courteous hospitality.

The massive human gave a nod to the orc and a traditional orc greeting. He had served with many an orc as a mercenary, they followed the path of the blade, most of them, he had never met one who was a worker, well, not just a worker. He looked Gularzob over and noticed how he carried himself. The orc was not just a blacksmith, he could see that, but the measure of his combat skill was well hidden, or just smaller then others he met. “Yes, I would welcome you to come and visit, I am sure you should school my smiths in some measure on how to make better tools or be more efficient. Your time and effort would be compensated.” Kline offered before they started to walk to the house.

Seemed the orc was in high demand and, so he would have to wait his turn to get the blacksmith to help him. He sighed a sigh of relief, the debt was paid, and things were looking well, time was something he had now.

As the foursome began making their way inside the palatial house, and Lafayette spoke of his sword to Gularzob, a carriage pulled up at the gate and a woman in a black dress emerged. "Kalena!" she shouted in a sing song voice. Her heels clacked up the cobblestone entryway, though the awkward rhythm of her feet signaled she was used to flat shoes, and was like a new-born foal when walking in heels. It was a little something that Kalena always found odd, as it seemed incongruous with the woman's presumed upbringing and lifestyle.

Kline followed, keeping a pace to the rear. He was not used to setting the pace or taking command as a noble. He was used to following the people in the fine outfits, not to being one. He did note how Kalena walked, he had seen it with other women who had taken up soldiering. He never understood it, he wore his boots because he knew them, and his footing was important.

He was grateful he was a man because society seemed to ask less of him.

That is when a woman of society appeared. Her dress, her manners, all spoke of a woman who knew how to play the political and social game. She likely would navigate a party like he would a battlefield. He kept his mouth shut, it was his best tactic at this point.

“Eliza, you look as lovely as ever. I like the dress,” Kalena said. When the purple-haired beauty reached within a few feet of them, she again made gracious introductions. “Everyone, may I present Lady Eliza Lavender Telsana. Eliza, this is Baron Kline Lowson, Lafayette Le Renard, and Gularzob Nugbu.”

Upon her introduction Kline nodded, he hoped that was all he had to do. He was a higher station, he thought, perhaps. It was easier when he knew he had to bow to every noble he met, now he needed to know where they all fell in line to the throne and how far removed they were along with a title and if they had land or not.

At home he had a man for that, he kept a book with all the coats of arms and histories and all manner of information on noble bloodlines and such. He was there when people visited and knew how exactly to treat them, where to seat them at the table and if he needed to go see them or wait for them to see him. It was all a lot of pomp and he disliked it, immensely.

For now, he kept silent and watched and listened.

Eliza gave a curtsy to the group. "A pleasure to meet you all." she said, "and thank you Kalena." she added with a smile. She closely studied the group. Her eyes fell on Lafayette, she then slid over to Kalena "Who is the fox?" she asked Kalena "he doesn't look like he is from around here."

Lafayette looked at the two talking but knew women tended to do this.

"I am not stepping over some boundaries, am I?" she asked, hoping to maybe get to know the man with the red hair. Eliza seemed to get her hooks in just about anyone she wanted, or it seemed that way. Though from what anyone she knew gathered no matter who she was seen talking to or seen leave a party with, the interactions were never what one would expect. Apparently if rumors were to be true she had never engaged in sex with them. Who know if this is true?

Lafayette continued to watch he could not hear them, but he could guess that they were talking about the party or the dress or something he would find rather boring. "So, Gularzob what kinds of unique metals are in this land? Anything of high demand?" he questioned, trying to make conversation despite not being sure how much the man would like to talk.

Now the foursome had become a group of five, and he was the fifth wheel. Inside the house he stepped apart, seeing the female were talking and that Lafayette had started speaking to Gularzob about his sword.

Kline called over a slave. “Can you get me another of those ales, please.” He asked and stepped over to one of the tapestries that hung from the wall.

The woven cloth depicted a knight with a maid on the back of a steed. In the distance a dragon was burning a castle, and under the horse was hounds. He knew it was a reference to some event, but he did not know what. He just knew that the woman and man had very odd-looking faces and did not know if they were fey or human.

He started to wonder if the Valade estates had a game room. He could use a good game of cards or dice right about now. Something to pass the time.

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