Progression to Dinner

-Dalen Capital, Valade Estate. Evening, 2 DSTR-

OOC- sorry it is so short, but I did not know who was playing the game.

The game went well, he lost about half his money, but that was not the point. The game was about strategy and diplomacy, and he learned much about each of them. All of them at the table were cunning, more then they appeared at times. He was not exactly the brightest, or the craftiest, but he knew how to gamble, so he was not completely fleeced.

When they spoke of swords he looked between them. “The saber is a better weapon to choose from, the other is a dueling sword.” He commented. “Of course, if all you do is fight people one at a time it is good, but it is my experience that is not the case. If anything, you want something that is purely utilitarian, a longsword, something that cane be utilized in many ways and the fighting style switched up. A sword that forces the owner to one style is limiting and you are offering your opponents the chance to know your limitations, your weaknesses.” He shrugs. “This is just some soldier’s take on things.” He said in conclusion with a smile and shrug.

His men had arrived sometime during the game and held back, drinking the ale. They picked up a dice game to play at another table, it was too late to deal them into the hand the others were playing.

Van, the youngest, had one of the slave girls with him, seemed he had a liking, she was half elf it looked like. He was out of his leather armor and his sandy blond hair, usually braided and knotted, was loose and let down in soft waves. His tanned skin was cleaned, and his blue eyes focused on the pretty girl at his side.

Laffy, the oldest of the crew and clearly hardened by battle, and Herod, a Midlander tall and broad with a thick beard that was now platted, and the ends beaded, sat at another table with some dice. Frogmore, a grey skinned half infernal, loomed over them just watching.

When the hand was done, Kalena made good on her offer to spar with the young man Lafayette. The small party followed, and of course she had a room just for practicing weapons in. His men followed the people and smiled when they saw it. “we could use one of these, keep up from having to do drills in the rain.” Laffy said as they took a place near the wall to watch the two and keep out of their way. Kline just looked at the older man.

He could smell the dinner cooking and part of him wished to leave rather then stay and watch the pair spar, but, he suspected it might be rude, and he also wished to see what they thought fighting would be like. He had seen Kalena fight already, and he knew she was not used to fighting on a battlefield, but she seemed to train for one on one and he wondered what weapons she would pick if she did pick something other then a saber.

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