Onward to the Capital

-Ragodast Outskirts. Late Afternoon, 1 DSTR-

As Isai payed the driver, Auriel instinctively looked back toward the street as someone called out, "Hey, did you kill that guy?"

Auriel was alarmed to see that the guy who had made that exclamation had drawn his weapons. As she struggled to think of the best way to handle the situation, the white haired guy yelled, "Shade! I might need back up!"

Just then, a creepy, cloaked figure emerged from somewhere and approached the carriage. Isai, seemingly oblivious to the approaching stranger, hopped into the seat next to her.

"Hello Auriel, might not know me but my name..."

Auriel felt a shiver go up her spine as the cloaked figure began to speak. Fortunately, just then, the driver closed the door to the carriage, and she wasn't really able to make out the rest of the dark figure's words.

"Seems you have an admirer Elthien. However, I believe we will leave before he can make his presence known," Isai interjected.

"Good idea," Auriel squeaked, revealing more of her fear than she would have liked. The fact that this stranger knew her real name was extremely unnerving.

However, whether they left or not was not really up to Auriel, but fortunately, their driver seemed to be thinking the same. A moment before they began moving, Auriel caught a whiff of the putrid stench of burning flesh, which caused her to gag.

And then they were off, hopefully leaving those creeps and that unpleasant scene behind.

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