
Shade shook his head as the carriage left, then he turned to Draken, " Why did you burn his corpse?" Draken turned back and smiled, " He did work for slave traders, when I was a kid, so he tried to sell my as a slave, but a cut his face and ran....He took of of my friends so that was pay back." Shade nodded, " We might need to follow them, but not to close." Draken sighed, " That's what creeps do, but whatever you say." He went to grab his horse, of course Shade was already on his horse. They followed the carriage, not to close but enough to see a glimmer of it. Draken scratched his head, " maybe we should have greeted them a bit nicer.." Shade laughed, " You're the one who drawn out your weapons." Draken mumbled something under his breath.

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