Mazes and Monsters

-Dalen Capital, Lower Quarter. Night, 2 DSTR-

He was glad Kalena was coming with him, he trusted her, and he would need someone he trusted at his back. Lafayette was a good fighter, and he seemed to be attracted to Kalena so he suspected he would come as well. The others, he feared, would not come.

Stepping into the hallway, he looked down the wooden corridor lit by common lanterns. Door with small barred windows on them lines the walls. As he passed one he looked in and saw several people huddled about inside. Slaves, or those soon to be slaves, they were pressed together from fear or the cool of the night, he did not know. He did not let the plight sway his focus, his head turned back to the path ahead.

They traveled another twenty feet, he could hear the footfalls of someone running a head of them. He kept his pace slow and even, he watched for traps as best he could.

The corridor was made in a pattern, and he could see how one could get lost if all the corridors look the same. How could you know the direction you were going or even what level you were on if the whole place looked the same. There was no means to look outside and get a reference there.

The hall way came to a T, and he could see the other hallways all looked the same. “Should we split up?” He asked those with him.

<tag- open to any, and if you have a new character you wish to introduce, they could save them from the slave pens.>

< Prev : OOC - Food for thought Next > : Split