
-Dalen Capital, Lower Quarter. Night, 2 DSTR-

Lafayette shook his head. "Better if we just stagger our team. One small group then a the other a few feet back. Watching the rear, if anything jumps out at the front or the rear team they have equal back up. Back to Back, like watching a camp at night." he suggested. It usually worked, but this case seemed different then most he had ever dealt with. "Besides we are bound to get more lost that way. We just need someone to watch the entrance and stop anyone who tries to leave."

Lafayette came up to Kline before the groups were formed holding out his hand in a fist. Something balled up in it. "You should take one of these." he suggested. "I do not know what feeling you have for using tricks to win but I say in this circumstance it would be fine. You just throw that to the floor as hard as you can and it will burst into a blinding light. Might disorientate us for a moment but the drow will be blinded for far longer." Lafayette explained, placing the small bomb in Kline's hand.

Soon following the foot steps fell into a dead end shuffle. They were panicked. With little places to run other then trying to just keep wondering the maze until the ones following them gave up.

(Could the one running be the necromancer? If not that's cool too)

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