Dim gets on a boat

Dim had watched it all played out with intense bewilderment. The dragon was talking a lot, Balar had reunited with his wife, and now there was a big boat! With rotting people on it!

"Dim want on the boat too!" he exclaimed. He had wanted to fight the dragon, but he wasn't too keen on trying to defeat the beast by himself, and no one else seemed to want a cool dragon tooth dagger or something, so getting on a boat was the next best thing. He waded through the water, grabbed the wood and tried to pull himself onto the deck. The wood broke off and the dwarf plunged into the water. He got up, gasping, and said: "Whoo! Head cold now!"

On the second attempt he managed to roll onto the deck. He looked around at the crew. "Is that scurvy?" he asked the closest sailor, whose cheek was drooping off his skull, revealing a jaw with scant few teeth.

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