One Dark Turn Deserves Another

Balok stood with Tiella now. Her head nestled on his shoulder. Absently he brushed her hair from her face and she smiled up at him. The were looking out into the sea of endless mist trying not to focus on the undead crew that bore them across it.

Suddenly Tiella stiffened in his arms. "Something stirs." she murmured as she pulled away from him. They both turned in time to see Cali double over as if in great pain. The wolf Garn sidled up and sniffed her then began to whine.

"Cali are you unwell?" Balor called as he made to walk towards her but a restraining hand from Tiella grasped his arm. Thin snakes of dark energy were beginning to surround the witch and her eyes were wide open looking at them all with open hostility.

"She is overcome." Tiella said flatly.

DID YOU THINK IT WOULD BE SO EASY... echoed a voice from Calis mouth that was not her own

DID YOU TRULY BELIEVE SHE COULD CONTAIN ME FOREVER Cali reached out with her dark tendrils and ensnared several of the undead crew. They stiffened and appeared to scream silently, their eyes blazing with eldritch green power before they turned and began to attack the company.

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