Dim likes fire

Dim is walking through the snow. Thick, fluffy flakes are descending fast. When the wind gusts, it's hard to see, but he knows the way. The dwarf is still young, but already he is almost as tall as his mother, who is undoubtedly waiting with a fresh roast and a crackling fire. He quickens his step, a bundle of wood under his arm, and when in the distance the torches in the cave entrance creep into view, he quickens his pace further.

"Grundim, your mother asked for you 4 times since the snow began!" the guard at the entrance says. "Go on to your hovel!"

Dim just keeps running. Mother always worries too much. After all, he is 12 already! Perfectly capable of taking care of himself! He speeds along the familiar path. Second left, first right. A scent of meat comes wafting up from the hovel that is his home.

"There you are, Dim!" His mother is waiting. The fresh roast is on the table, the fire crackling happily away in the hearth. "I was worried with that snowfall! Your boots are all soggy, put them by the fire. Put the wood there too. Come, sit down. I got a good piece of mutton so let's make the most of it. That means keeping the bones, aye?"

"Yes, mum," Dim replies in good spirits. He puts his boots near the fire, and soon thin tendrils of steam will come off them as they dry.

Mother smiles. "That's my boy. You're a clever one, Grundim. You didn't get that from your dad, I'll tell you what!" She chuckled and pushed a plate of meat across the table. "Here, eat. Boys need to grow."

When the meal is finished, mother and Dim sit in front of the fire, warming themselves by its welcoming flicker and glow. Dim stares into the flames, warm from his toes to his soul. His head is on mother's shoulder and he feels her breath on his brow. Here is happiness. Here is home. Here was good. Here was safe. Here was...


Dim took a shuddering breath. There was a strange feeling in his chest. Like he was happy and sad at the same time. Also, it seemed like someone had splashed water on his cheeks, though it was drying fast in front of the fire. He took another deep breath. The dreamroot had burned up. He didn't remember what he'd seen. He never really did. He just felt happy and sad. More happy than sad though. He looked at Theo and smiled.

"Dim likes fire."

He was ripped from the moment by a choking sound beside him, however. He looked around and saw Balar. He seemed to be all pain and cramp, his face twisted up and his breath hoarse and strangled. Dim quickly shook him back and forth. "Hey! Balar! BALAR! WAKE UP BALAR!"

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