
"Odins breath," Majvok blurted out, "she even causes trouble when she is unconscious."

"Be quiet thief." Balar growled.

Dyvia and Kespin were listening also now. This was the first they had heard of Harlequins involvement in their current predicament.

"I wouldn't be surprised if he sent the trolls." Majvok went on ignoring Balars warning.

"The trolls of course," Dyvia said he eyes wide open, "Everything happened so fast bakc there but I remember now the trolls were fighting on your side."

"What is this trickery?" Roared Erik.

Tiella raised her hands in supplication and stepped in front of the angry Jotun.

"No trickery," she cried out, "it is as the elf girls says we are bound by an oath to follow his command, at least in this task. We have no love for him."

"In fact when this business is done we have a mind to kill him."

Now I was Majvoks turn to act surprised, this was the first he had heard of the agreement between Balar and Luna.

"He has demanded three deaths to be delivered at our hands and upon the third death we are free of him."

"There is much to discuss." Dyvia growled, "can I suggest we get to this cave of yours and do so over a hot meal."

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