We all become star... well not all.

Kespin walked with the group through the night. "This is soooo exciting!" He started to skip up closer to the dwarves in the front.
"You sir dwarves, I didn't get to tell you for I was deep in meditation and am very sorry for your loss of companions." Kespin started lowly humming a dirge as he walked with his staff.
Looking up at the sky ahead he said. "I am sure they are above us looking down as we walk, we all become stars when we die. I remember."
He looked back at Luna with a sly look, "or we become shadows...If you make a deal. Right shadow whisperer?"

OOC: Sorry guys, that was an intense 2 weeks of training I went through. Internet wasn't working right and spent most of my free time studying. I passed, and am back home now looking to include Kespin more in the adventure. Thanks.

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