
Luna watched shocked.” Shadow my spellbook”she called. The shadow appeared infrunt of her spellbook in hand. “ carful misstriss you are week and the sun is still up” the shadow said. Luna was well aware but she needed something to help her friend. “ just keep watch wail I look for a spell” she snapped back. She flipped through pages looking for the right spell. She grinned as she found it but it would coust her. The shadow quietly took her spell book before she could read the spell.

“That spell would be your death. I can not allow you to do that” the shadow said. Before Luna could respond the shadow had disappeared. She nearly calapesed just summing the shadow was to costly. She wached the battle frustrated that she could not be of more use to her friends.

< Prev : Odd Power Next > : Dreams are, by definition, cursed with short life spans.