Above Their Corpses

Garand awoke once again to a soft hand on his cheek. His gaze rose to see Luna looking down at him.

"We have to go."

The others were climbing out of the snow-bound crater that they seemed to have somehow become encapsulated in at some point. That was right, avalanche. he had heard the snow coming down on them but was too out of it to think anything of it. Above the strange necromancer from the battle stood over the hole, urging everyone to move. Garand shook himself from his groggy state, quietly thanking Luna and making to climb out with the others. He climbed out to the surface, standing out in the snow, to his dismay, his cloak, ratty and torn beyond recognition, waved like a flag in the northern wind.

Garand was glad to see that everyone seemed to have made it, however, anything that was discarded before was now submerged under several feet of snow, including those who fell in the battle. There was something strange about knowing that you were standing over the corpses of several men and women, he frowned at the snow at his feet.

“Have any of you questions you would ask of me before we make our way from this valley?”

Garand turned, the woman standing near the hole that they all had just emerged from. He had not paid much attention before, but now he took in all of her details, her dirt and snow covered skin and hair, the bits of grime on her clothes and skin, and mostly all the skin. It was beyond Garand how she managed here wearing such little clothing. Still, in spite of her strange clothing habits, Garand felt there was a well of knowledge and wisdom contained within her. A question swirled within his mind, but he strayed away from it for now.

"You raised those Draugr before with that...ritual. So you're a necromancer?"

< Prev : Let's not hang around for another Avalanche Next > : Move On