On Second Thought, 'Tis a Scary Place

As they filed into the tomb-laden chamber, Caligari considered Kespin’s earlier comments in an attempt to keep her spirits up. She lived a life consumed by the macabre and terrifying presence of the dead and after the disturbing, eerie things she’d seen or the sinister, shuddersome acts she’d participated in she was not easily spooked, but even she was not immune to the gloom of the tower; of this room in particular. She could only imagine what thoughts and fears the others had wriggling through their thoughts.

She scooted in close to the crazy old man and ran her clawed hand through his thick white hair, massaging his scalp. “I will admit the male rompers can be a bit more tiring, but there are times when a woman craves an exhausting ordeal. I'd settle for several hard hours with you on the pallet if you’re up for it. I would not want to prolong our fornicating beyond that which your body can sustain. Unless you're ready to meet your maker. I could work wonders with a death spell performed at the peak of your manly meddling.” She gave his hair a slight tug and reluctantly let him go. “Think about it.”

Cali moved closer to one of the stone sarcophagi and held the queer green light of her torch low to read the inscriptions. Her lips moved as she silently mouthed the words before she recoiled and stepped back quickly. She held her torch high and warned the others, “Do not point your eyes to the writing on these tombs. It will turn your stomach and your mind.”

“I tried to tell you,” Tiella muttered to no one in particular.

The North Witch moved towards the wide door at the end of the hall and ran a hand back and forth across its surface as if caressing it. She sighed and dropped her hand. “Elf girl, perhaps your shadow pets can see what’s beyond this door.”

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