The Bargain

"Balar remember your promise."

"Jorrik do not do this." the old warrior pleaded.

"The decision is made, if any of you try to stop this we all fail. I know it to be true." Jorrik then looked over to Erik and smiled,

"My friend calm your passions and stay your hand. Trust me this last and only time." Then to Luna,

"I am sorry my girl, do not blame Cali for what passes next, it is as it should be."

"Everyone stand back." Balar ordered, "Lower your weapons." Miles looked hesitant and Balar shook his head in silent warning, before moving over to check on Tiella...

"All very touching," sneered the Dark Elf as he drew a wicked looking blade from his belt and a small pouch from within the fold of his cloak. He began to mutter dark incantations as he removed nine vials from the pouch and placed them on the ground in a circular formation. Each of them contained a dark liquid.

"When the spell is complete a portal will open. Each of you must drink of the poison I have provided before passing through, it will prepare your bodies for the passage to the underworld and it will also protect you from the deadly cold of Nifelheim. I will place you within sight of the Mirrored Sepulcher and you have but one hour to reach it before the poison separates your soul from your bodies..."

"Horseshit!" Majvoc called out, "My soul is staying put."

The Necromancer gave him a wicked grin, "Then so are you! You have one hour to reach the Sepulcher and then you either pass through or die. If you remain here then I will kill you myself. The choice is yours."

He dismissed them from his thoughts then as he began to chant. Jorrik walked up to stand next to Cali and as he took her hand the two exchanged a long look.

"Time to turn the tables on our new friend." he said with a grin as he dropped to his knees and closed his eyes.

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