Steps of Blood

Balar stepped into the hallway and found himself in the arms of Tiella. She was weeping. He pulled her in tight as he watched the smoke rise outside of the keep window.

"There my love, we will get out of this yet."

She pushed away slightly and her eyes met his. What he saw there almost made him weep with her. Had she truly lost all hope?

"There is no way out, they have betrayed us."

"They will pay for this." Balar growled.

The sharp sound of a clap drew their attention, then another. They turned to see a figure standing in the doorway his clothing a patchwork of black and crimson.

"You." Balar growled reaching for his axe.

"Me." Harlequin growled back mockingly. Then quickly held out his fist and opened it to allow two twin medallions to hang down.

"Wait." Tiella screamed out. "Are they...?"

"Soul stones." Harlequin supplied the answer. "Not only will I hand them over, giving you two hopeless love birds a full lifetime together, I will also facilitate your escape."

"At what cost?"

"For now, just the information I need to lower the wards around this city."

"No. There are innocent people down there."

Tiella placed a hand on Balars shoulder her eyes filled with fear and something else...need?

"These people have betrayed you Balar, right now they plot to hand you over to my men to break this siege."

"So why not let them?"

There was a flicker of movement and suddenly Harlequin was standing next to him whispering in his ear.

"Because I play the long game Balar and one day I will have need of you and on that day..."

He held the medallions out before Balars eyes. He was silent for a time then wrestling with his pride and fear and... love. He glanced towards Tiella.

"God's damn it yes. I will pay the debt. Take the damned city."

Balar blinked... tears were running down his cheeks, looking he saw around his feet pools of blood leaving a sodden trail behind him.. The women and children, he still remembered the screams as the gates had fallen inwards. What had he done...?

Keep moving ,came the voice of Heimdal from the darkness ahead.

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