
“It can be painful your first, particularly in inexperienced hands and given the wolf’s devotion I’m sure she did quit on the number on the wolf. I saw the battlefield.” Olin said with a wry smile.

“ you have no idea she is quite wild” she said giggling. She took a few deep breath to calm herself. She smiled back at Olin.

“Yes, my magic can very well affect people moods. It makes you rather loosed lip does it not?” He pointed out.

“ yes I was also a bit frustrated with you one your statement about crying usually would have been enough to make me angry. But I was only frustrated care to explain that one I’m unaccustomed to not being in control of my emotional state. It an unusual feeling” Luna admittedly this time not bothered by how much information she gave him. She would not tipicly admit to losing control or that she was frustrated by a statement.

“If sex makes you blush then what I would have to do to accurately pull a vision for you would.”

She held her hand up palm flat a small shadow danced there like a flame. “ why is this magic so wrong. Why would my people try to take my magic away” she said. For just a moment sadness seamed dance across her face. As quickly as it appeared it disappeared. The shadow in her hand disappeared and she looked at Olin. “ my magic is getting stronger and my emotions seams to play a part in it. I’m a bit afraid I’ll lose control of it” she said quietly unwilling to let the others know.

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