Make Yourselves At Home

Mar frowned, "I have been on the trail of a Sith, not an Imperial officer. But if we find one we may find the other. As for what you intend to do to these people... I have no qualms with you killing them. I am not planning on taking prisoners."

He frowned at the mention of Quint. "Another Jedi?" He sighed, it looked like he was gonna be taking on more than one student. He didn't expect that, but it looked to be where fate was taking him at the moment. Trust in The Force, he had learned that the hard way.

It was then that Quint entered his ship. "Nice to meet you, Quint. Why don't you come in, make yourself at home." There was a hint of sarcasm and annoyance in Mar's voice, as it was getting increasingly annoying how these strangers were waltzing their way onto his ship. Clearly he needed to upgrade his security systems. However, given they were "friends" of Serenity, he would tolerate their presence.

He looked back to Rowan. "It looks like we were meant to meet, Mandalorian. We have similar goals, and we both have taken up the task of looking after these young ones." He offered his hand to the Mandalorian. "Shall we join forces?"

< Prev : Ready, aim, .... Next > : Frustration