
Serenity found a quiet spot to meditate wail the adults spoke. She had a lot to think about. As she settled cross legged on the floor. She sat there for about ten minutes befor she fell asleep. She had not intended for fall asleep though it was clear she needed it.

At first her dream was pice full. She was back on her home planet with her master. They were hunting at the moment. But as they walked though the forest her master suddenly stoped. She could feel it the Inquisitor inquisitor was coming. “ serenity stay hidden” her master said.

“ No master I can help” she said. Her master gave her a look that said this was not a time to argue. So she took off in the trees. She she did she felt her master disappear. “ this is not what happened” she said confused.

That’s when the Inquisitor appered in front of her. The helmet uniform making it clear he was an inquisitor. “ this is how it should have happened” the inquisitor said. Take his helmet off to revile the face of her master.

“ you are the reason I am dead it you falt” he said igniting his red bald and swinging it at her.

Serenity woke screaming. She jumped to her feet and ignited her lightsaber. “ I-I did mean to master. I don’t want to fight you” she cryed. It was clear she was confused at still worked up from whatever has startled her.

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