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Character Liden

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Shattered Empire

The Imperial Lieutenant felt sick to his stomach as he saw the strange visitor step off her shuttle and onto the dusty ground. The Imperial Fort was little more than some ramshackle tents gathered around the wreckage of a star destroyer in the far reaches of the desert. A far cry from the clean and tidy halls of an Imperial military base, but that was what they had been reduced to since losing the war. Yet the strange woman who had just arrived seemed unperturbed by the lack of luxury here on Jakku.

At first, The Lieutenant had thought the woman was actually somewhat attractive in spite of the heavy black attire she was wearing. At least that was what he thought given it was clear she was a woman. However, his attraction turned into revulsion as he saw the eerily pale skin and jet black lips that made up the only portion of her that had been left exposed to the desert air. It was clear this was no normal woman, that she was some oddity.

Sith had a tendency to allow their dark magics to twist their forms until their black hearts were mirrored by their outward appearance.

At some point, however, The Lieutenant had figured she had been beautiful once, but no longer.

When her head turned to look at him, at first he wasn't sure she was looking at him given that the helmet she wore had no clear eyes or some facsimile thereof to indicate where she was looking. However he felt her gaze on him, and it chilled him despite the heat of the Jakku air.

"Grand Inquisitor... milady... We are honored to have you in our presence..." The Lieutenant said as he bowed at her feet.

"Spare me the platitudes, Lieutenant." The Grand Inquisitor's voice was sultry, smoky, even seductive. "I would prefer we get to the reason I am here."

"Seeking to integrate our ranks into yours, if I recall." The Lieutenant nodded.

"Yes. Now, tell me, where is Colonel Icerraine?" The Grand Inquisitor asked.

(Tag Red, I am not sure if Icerraine is going to be more of an NPC but I figured I'd go ahead and let you hop into this introduction of our new bad guy... or girl in this case...)

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