Dark Reunion

Liden nodded and looked at the battle in the landing bay. "Very well. To my shuttle." She smirked and hailed the Obsidian Squad. "Pull back. We have what we need..."

The troopers began to retreat, only firing back to provide cover when anyone shot at them. While The Ninth Sister continued to attack Ryze, only this time she was backing away as she too began her retreat. Mar had spotted Liden and was already advancing on her, hate in his eyes. She caught his lightsaber blade with her own. She smiled at him.

"My dear Leto... So glad to see you again after all these years." She said, shoving him away effortlessly.

"What are you doing here???" Mar demanded.

"I came for something that will ensure the safety of the galaxy..." She parried the next series of saber attacks, again, not regarding Mar with much caution as she batted away his blade with her ligthsaber, holding it in one hand to showcase how little she felt threatened by him. "Perhaps you would like to join me? I could use you, Leto. You are a cunning warrior after all..."

"I will never return to the Inquisitors!" Mar bellowed, slashing at her again. She blocked his attack again.

"This is bigger than the Empire or the Inquisitors. Or our own feud all those years ago... Come with me, Leto. Together we can save this galaxy from total ruin."

"You are the one who will bring it to ruin, Liden! I won't let you do this!" Mar managed to almost strike Liden in the chest with a quick slash. This made Liden reconsider her approach and she gripped her saber with both hands and started to press into him with a series of attacks.

"If you won't see reason... then I will do what is needed to ensure you do not pose a threat to my plans..." With a few swift strokes Mar's saber flew from his hand and Liden managed so bisect his mechanical arm with her lightsaber. Mar let out a grunt of pain as the sensors overloaded in his hand as it fell to pieces in front of him. Liden then lifted him up into the air with the Force and prepared to deliver final blow...

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