Serenity to the rescue

Serenity followed mar out of the facility when she saw him atack the inquisitor. For most of the fight she just started at the femail inquisitor fear in her eyes. It was not until she had cut mars arm in half before she sprang into action. She quietly got between the inquisitor and mar catching the inquisitors lightsaber with her own.

“ Leave home alone” she yealed trying to ouch her Back. She frites her teath as she reached for the force she reached out with her left hand. She felt the force coial around the strang women’s thought and tighten. “I said leave home along get out of here” serenity yealed as a cold anger and hatred came over her. She hated the inquisitors for what they had done to her master. She had no clue what she was really doing at this point she was just reacting.

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