Keran Watches The Watcher

She felt it someone following them focused on ghost. “ someone is following us I don’t know if there friendly but I think there internet in ghost” she said quietly. She stepped closer to Mar as she seated at the droid hovering around her.

Mar frowned and thought for a moment. Could it be someone who knew her mother? Saw the resemblance? Or was this someone trying to come after them. Had Liden and Jin'Lor already found them? He leaned in close to Serenity. "Stay calm, trust your instincts." He looked to Keran who flicked his ears in an affirmative response. He clambered off of Mar's shoulder and slipped into the growing crowd as the group came to a bazaar of sorts situated in a narrow street corner amongst the ruins of older Mandalorian architecture.

Keran was quick to find the stranger, a Chiss it seemed, very uncommon and perplexing. However his intentions were still elusive. Keran continued to follow the stranger, making sure to keep from being hidden and with his small size and Jedi training that was easy enough.

Mar and the others pressed on into the market, now on guard as they knew they were being watched.


Liden had finished her bacta bath and was now in a fresh set of armor. She boarded her shuttle and headed down to Manaan and from there boarded a submersible offered by the local selkath ambassador to reach the underwater lab that had been set up for Jin'Lor. When she arrived she stepped out of the airlock and was met by a stormtrooper who saluted her.

"Mistress, welcome to Lab IV. Jin'lor is this way." The stormtrooper led her to the main lab, in spite of the fact that she knew this place better than the trooper did however she humored the trooper and followed.

When she entered the lab she was quick to get to business. "So, my dear Jin'Lor... how goes the research? I do hope the test subjects I've provided you are up to your high standards?"

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