
Liden sighed. "Leto isn't coming for you. He's no doubt running away, like he always does... Did you know that's what he did before? He fell for a Jedi and when The Empire found them he ran and left her to die... He's a coward..."

"Why are you standing here?" He inquired with distaste in his tone. "Come on!"

Mar followed Thrass, all the while his mind was still on Serenity. And then he felt it. Something had happened to her, he could feel it. "Thrass... I need you to tell me who has the fastest ship on this planet... and I need you to tell me where it is..."


Mira and Ghost were waiting in the safe house when Mar's droid, KC-8 rolled into the room beeping rapidly in an agitated tone.

Mira frowned. "Who took Ryze?" She aksed.

The droid booped once more.

"Oh no." Mira looked to Ghost. "The Inquisitors have Ryze..."

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