Not That Easy

Liden just watched as Serenity fruitlessly tried to send her message. "My dear you have to be cleared before sending a broadcast from this ship... And Mar isn't going to find you... yet." She went to the girl and put her hand on her shoulder. "Serenity, you must understand what I'm doing here, why I need you, I am not a mad dictator trying to take over the galaxy. I merely want to stop the nightmare that's coming. Once that's done, I will surrender my forces to the New Republic, and myself." She sighed and knelt down. "Serenity, if you choose to join me together we can convince Mar as well... You and your master could be together again. And you can save us all..."

From Serenity's quarters the stormtrooper assigned to guard her door could hear the strange fowl raging from inside its cage. He shuddered, he knew what that thing was capable of. He wasn't going to deal with that thing. No chance in hell...


Mira smirked. "Oh I like that plan! That Mandalorian fool won't see us coming!" She looked to a small wardrobe and began to rifle through it. "Thrass, darling, you got anything more befitting of a starship heist? I'd rather not get shot at with my lovely green butt hanging out in the wind."

Keran was already wrapping a little cloak around himself and a belt to hold his lightsaber. "Mar... we must talk..."

"I know..." Mar sighed as the two jedi moved to a more secluded area of the hideout.

"Mar, you can't go after Serenity until you've faced your own demons..." Keran said. "And to do that... You will have to go to the crystal caves of Ilum and pass the trials..."

"I can't do that, Keran. I have to save, Serenity." Mar said.

"We don't even know where Liden has her. I suggest you go while the others and I try to track her down. You need to be ready for what lies ahead, Mar. The Inquisitor can't save her... only her Jedi Master can..."

Mar sighed. "I'm no Jedi..."

"Not yet... Mar... Not yet..."

A stormtrooper was the first to see Ryze fleeing and immediately began to fire at him. "Control! I have a fleeing prisoner in sector two!"

In the control room The Ninth Sister heard the alarm and frowned. "That damned immortal boy..." She smirked and hailed Liden.

"I'm busy right now." Liden remarked. "What is it?"

"Jin's experiment is loose again." The Ninth Sister said.

"Introduce him to his new brothers and sisters..." Liden eventually said.

"As you wish..." Ninth Sister's smirk looked to the deck officer. "Send the first of Death Squad to recapture the escaping prisoner."

"Yes, my lady..." The officer said. She pressed a button and on the other side of the complex six large containment vats began to empty their fluid... the occupants inside stirring...

Mar and Keran returned with Keran hopping onto Mira's shoulder. Mar looked to Thrass and nodded. "Very well... we hit Mandalore's ship."

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