Hunting the child traffic network

After turning back the teenagers to their parents, Roxor had to leave the planet for now. He had messed enough with the local authorities to leave for a decent amount of time. The public release of archives implicating important members of the local police and some government members in the child traffic hasn't been appreciated by many who wanted to keep this mess covered. He hoped that locals will take care of these guys, and viewing the public protests he left behind, sure they will...

For Roxor, it was time to focus on his next target: the recipient of these kids outside the planet. It was not single planet traffic. He had the complete list of the still missing kids and was trying to follow the tracks. All of this was strange: Why wanting to abduct kids coming from rich families on a rich planet to use as slaves or something worse? Why keeping them inside these quite high technological bio containers instead of just sedate them? Are these kids special in some way?

Lots of elements were missing, and the captured tugs were unable to give the information, even after the use of drugs for interrogation. The network behind that was careful to cover his tracks and not letting loose too many pieces of information. But not careful enough for Roxor. He has not only received the full bounty payment for the 3 missing kids, but had secured exclusivity for finding the remaining missing ones for the next 3 months. It means that if one of them was found by someone else during that time, House Benelex will receive half of the bounty anyway. Business is business, no one works for free...

Roxor was sitting in the copilot seat of the "Platinium Beetle", heading out of the planet's orbit. The old Nemoidian made shuttle slowly left the planet surroundings under the command of his FA-4 pilot. Meanwhile, the Bounty Hunter was supervising his B2-X working on the information extracted from the child smugglers' nav computer. The official traveling routes had been of course falsified. The little slicer droid was compiling the falsified data to try to guess what was the actual route of the smugglers.

He found 3 possible places, all within range of the Platinium Beetle. Roxor asked FA-4 to plan a route for the closest point. It would take 3,5 hours at least, 5 if they took the safest space routes. Roxor chose the latest options, as he needed that time to sleep. The last days haven't been very propitious to rest, and his aching body was begging for just that. He asked B2 to prepare standard information about that place, where he has never put his feet before, and some suggestion of where to begin his investigation there. Finally, Roxor went to throw himself nonchalantly on the bed for a few hours...

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