19: Shen Li (Shen Li Post)

"Wow, I was just kidding," Shen said, realizing how on the head he had been about the being in a boy band. He watched the videos with a growing sense of admiration. The dance routines were amazingly fluid and graceful "I like the nighttime version better too, the other video is too disjointed, suggesting that there is a story, but it is completely unclear, is the kid in the tub contemplating suicide, what about the one that is found lying on the floor. So many questions... the second video is just better all around."

He gave his honest assessment of the videos, dancing was hard, directing a video was even harder if you were trying to create a mood and narrative. "it must be hard to give that up to go to school abroad, or maybe not. Don't people want things from famous people that is unfair to expect? Don't answer that, It's a fanboy question and probably one you are tired of."

He decided to change the subject, "So what do we already have in common that they linked us together, do you do animation? Sports? Competitive video games?"

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