16: Nightcrawler (Jamie)

I found us a table to eat at, the Refectory, dining hall or, god forbid, the cafeteria rarely got that busy, the school was not full enough yet to schedule meals in shifts. I have a regular eating plan so that I have a reasonable intake of food throughout the day, this started with my pentathlon training but is still useful now. I try to avoid processed foods as much as possible, I am asked if junk food is a guilty pleasure and it really isn’t, there’s no pleasure there at all if I am being honest. Taste and texture are disgusting. So I had several slices of lean roasted beef and a good selection of vegetables, you cannot beat fresh veggies for taste, colour and texture, and a large glass of water. I did not begrudge Kurt his burger, it’s not my place to judge and a well earned treat always has its place, mine is a fat slice of Victoria sponge cake, with fresh cream in it of course.
“Don’t worry about asking about the books Kurt, it shows enthusiasm.”
I imagined his mother was glad her son was safe, her being here with him was an added bonus.
I ate in silence as Kurt prayed, I have no time for religion but try to respect the beliefs of others.
“Practising is good Kurt, but ease into it, don’t go nuts and start at a rush. You are new to the school, get settled, get to know people.”
OOC: Sorry for the delay things have been a bit hectic in real life.

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