M.I.A.Y.R.W.M.O – Why you’d be mad to miss Fall Fest 2013
This article was written by Ed Brown, aka Diego Herrera from Starbase 118, the chair of this year’s Fallfest.
It’s easy for the host of an event to turn around and brandish clichéd slogans about their events. “Miss it, miss out” is a great example of that – a stopgap phrase that works wonders for fluffing out a generic advert that doesn’t seem too exciting. That’s why in this case we need extra letters – miss it and you really will miss out – and I’m even prepared to go the extra mile and tell you why! This year’s fall fest is crammed to the gunnels with SIMming discussions that will help you bone up on your RPG know how no matter which group you belong to, science fiction trivia and live SIMs and our very own Fall Fest DJ, all hosted by UFOP: Starbase 118. Sound like a blast yet? Read on.
Right from the off, things will get deep as UFOP: SB118’s Velana examines some of the best known relationships from the Star Trek television series, leading a discussion on how they can influence your SIMming. Ever wondered what the secret behind a successful mission or episode is? Greir Reinard will be sharing his insights and tips, followed by Jhen Thelev, who will be completing a 118 trifecta with a discussion on world building. Hot on their heels, Silent Hunter of Phoenix Roleplaying will be running a discussion based around the Doctor Who anniversary and our discussions will be rounded up by Jazza from UCIP, who will be discussing the way in which immersive games have influenced roleplaying.
In other words, the discussion room this year is primed and ready to tool you up for the coming year on creating the setting and story for your SIM group, populating it with characters and using a range of sources to add realism and excitement – talk about a shot of enthusiasm and excitement!

Fallfest image by James Drysdale
Meanwhile, in a parallel dimension (otherwise known as room 2!) there will be more Star Trek and sci-fi trivia than you can shake a stick at, as well as a live SIM that will take the form of a good old fashioned monster mystery. No, that’s not a typo – I said monster mystery! Can you get to the bottom of it before your missing crew members are lost forever?
With our line-up already wall to wall with one-off interactive events that are guaranteed to keep you informed, enlightened and entertained, you’ll definitely want the chance to be there to take part, meet writers from other groups and compare notes about your SIMming experiences – there will even be a couple more events revealed as the week rolls on towards the most fantastic event on your SIMming calendars so stay tuned, watch this space and keep October 11th free – UFOP: SB118’s doors are wide open, the Ongoing Worlds banners are already flying and we are all looking forward to seeing you there! M.I.A.Y.R.W.M.O.!!!!
Chat room URLs
Room 1: http://www.starbase118.net/chat/fall-festival-chat/
Room 2: http://www.starbase118.net/chat/
This article was written by Ed Brown, aka Diego Herrera from Starbase 118, the chair of Fallfest 2013.