OngoingWorlds blog

News & articles about play-by-post games, for roleplayers & writers


Update to character groups

Some updates to a website take a long time and a lot of effort, but there’s not always something obvious when it’s done. This is one of those changes that’s taken a long time, and the advantage isn’t totally obvious straight away. I’ll start by explaining the problem.

Character groups for the game 'What will be'

Characters can be organised into groups

OngoingWorlds allows you to list all characters on a game’s character page in groups. By default there was a maximum of 10 groups, which wasn’t enough for all games. Another problem was that the order of groups could not be changed, which I’ve now solved by a nice easy drag and drop interface.

drag and drop character groups

Add new Character Groups and reorder them

If you want to edit the character groups in your game, go to Game Settings > Edit character groups