OngoingWorlds blog

News & articles about play-by-post games, for roleplayers & writers


Tis the season for Prizes


Tis the end of the year, which means one thing – awards season. Between the Sethies, Shunis, and Squiddies, one can’t take a step without stumbling over a trophy.

Add another to the mix – the Simming Prize.

Awarded for the past 16 years, we – in our modesty – like to think of the Simming Prize as the Nobel Prize of the play-by-post online role-playing (“simming”) community. The aim of the Prize is to recognize individuals and entities that make exceptional contributions to our hobby. Think: The prolific writer. The unsung administrator who keeps things running. The leader who drives a community to new heights. The game that has produced at a high level for years. The club that stands as an example for others to emulate. The organization that serves the wider community.

On behalf of the Trustees of the Simming Prize, we encourage you to submit your nominations for the 2015 Simming Prize at