OngoingWorlds blog

News & articles about play-by-post games, for roleplayers & writers


Reggie’s Writing Tips: #21 – 30 (Plot Development)

This article was written by Reggie from Cathedral: The Thieves Guild. You can read all of Reggie’s writing tips here.

Sara Chase Blackwood in Game Cathedral: The Thieves Guild image Cathedral: The Thieves Guild

Reggie’s character in Cathedral: The Thieves Guild is Sara Chase Blackwood

Ten more tips for you all. These focus on developing a better plot/story. After reading over these tips, you should be able to outline a plot in faster time. Next week I will share with you writing tips that will help you write dialogue practical to your own story’s needs. Read More


Reggie’s Writing Tips: # 11 – 20 (Building a Dynamic Character)

This article was written by Reggie from Cathedral: The Thieves GuildYou can read tips #1-10 here.

Sara Chase Blackwood in Game Cathedral: The Thieves Guild image Cathedral: The Thieves Guild

Reggie’s character in Cathedral: The Thieves Guild is Sara Chase Blackwood

Hello everyone! It’s Reggie again with ten more tips for you all. I decided to separate them into chunks thematically. These listed below will help you focus on building a dynamic and likable character. The set of tips for next time will be about plot development. Hope you are still enjoying these and finding them helpful.

NOTE: I am using “she” to refer to your character, but obviously its to be taken as a placeholder for both genders. Just got tired of writing He/She constantly. Read More


Reggie’s Writing Tips: #1 – 10

This article was written by Reggie from Cathedral: The Thieves Guild.

Sara Chase Blackwood in Game Cathedral: The Thieves Guild image Cathedral: The Thieves Guild

Reggie’s character in Cathedral: The Thieves Guild is Sara Chase Blackwood

I decided to post a rather large but simple list of writing tips/tricks/advice that was shared with me while working with professional screenwriters in LA. I have a background doing script coverage with 20th century Fox and was able to meet many successful screenwriters, some whom were highly acclaimed artists in the film industry. A lot of the knowledge they shared carries on to creative writing in general. Read More