Private games are now in beta
Quite a few people asked for private games in the recent survey, so I’ve worked hard this weekend and private games are now available. Well, technically they’re in beta which means it’s a brand new feature which might have bugs which need ironing out.

Me working on OngoingWorlds code!
Making your game a private game
Making your game private means:
- All posts are private – They can only be seen by logged-in members
- All character profiles are private – They can only be seen by logged-in members
- Pending members can’t see any characters or posts until they’re approved
- Private games still show on the homepage and in the search – Or nobody would ever find them to join and everybody would love to play with games!
How to make your game private
This is a feature only for people who’ve donated.
- You need to have created a game already
- Go to the donations page and select the “Make your game private” perk
- During the donation you’ll be asked which game you want to make private
- Because this is a new feature there’s a manual step involved. Behind the scenes I’ll make your game private asap & email you when it’s done.