
The road was blocked by a burning car so Olle tried walking the other way only to find it also cut off by men wearing t-shirts with a picture of tortured girl and "I am Min Chang!" printed on them. They were basically beating the shit out anyone not wearing one of their t-shirts. And Olle had chosen today to wear a t-shirt featuring a singer who was openly tolerant of metas.

"Well, shit." Olle muttered when he realized that they were anti-meta. And one of those assholes holding a pipe wrench was looking right at him. Olle dropped his heavy backpack and ran into the closest building. The door 'bing-bonged' as he entered. It was a cafe, abandoned. He ran through the cafe to the kitchen and to the back door.

The alley behind the cafe was basically an Inferno of dumpster fires and anti-metas chanting "I AM MIN CHANG!" He ducked back into the kitchen before the chanters could see him, but he heard the cafe door bing-bonging. Feeling like the kids in Jurassic Park, Olle squeezed into a cupboard and closed the door as well as he could. He was pretty sure he was about to die.

He did not want his parents, he had not seen them in years and all they did was argue with him because they were hateful idiots. The most significant relationship he had was with Piritta and he was not even sure what he was to her anymore. He fished his phone out of his pocket and called Piritta, praying she would answer this time.

Piritta was watching Käärijä staggering in the ring when the music video was interrupted by an incoming call. Olle. Piritta guiltily pressed decline. If it was important he would leave a voicemail.

The call went to voicemail. Olle closed his eyes. One of the anti-metas ran to the back door and Olle could hear him asking if they saw a guy in a Dolly Parton shirt come out. The rest were tearing the cafe apart trying to find him.

"I really wish you answered this time." Olle whispered into his phone.

"Come out you fucking meta-lover!"

"I'm in New York. There's a riot. I- I don't know if I'm going to make it."

The cupboard was opened, the wrench was swung and broke Olle's wrist, knocking the phone from his hand.

Piritta listened to Olle's voicemail as soon as it arrived on her phone.

"Vittu!" Piritta tried to call him back but of course all it did was ring and go to voicemail. "Tulen nopeasti!" Piritta promised, already running out the door.

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