
Legends of The Secret World logo

Legends of The Secret World

Legends of The Secret World is a mature horror and mystery game that lets you explore a world where the real world is invaded by the forces of myth and legend. You can use firearms and superhuman abilities and unravel the mysteries of the legends in a complex and mature storyline. The game is set ... More...

Members : 9

Characters : 12

Created : Mar 3, 2024

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The Gifted logo

The Gifted

After a near-cataclysmic cosmic event rips a hole between several universes, it becomes evident that reality has been permanently altered.. whether these new changes are for better or worse - it's too soon to tell. As the earth shook violently, earthquakes, tsunamis, and power cells raged through ci ... More...

Members : 8

Characters : 13

Created : Sep 29, 2023

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Arkangel logo


Welcome to Arkangel the city at the cutting edge of technology and endless opportunities for those who can find it. Or at least that's what the posters say. But it's just bullshit. Things have just gotten worse and more chaotic after the Tech Plague that changed the world forever. Despite a ... More...

Members : 2

Characters : 3

Created : Jul 7, 2024

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December logo


Free-form RPG of AU's, Crossovers & What ifs that explore our Verse/ fandoms if key moments were changed or worlds collide. Outcomes are decided by dice, scissors-paper-rock, or by what makes for good story. ... More...

Members : 3

Characters : 62

Created : Oct 13, 2021

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A Firefly Tale logo

A Firefly Tale

Cheers to 5 years! The Verse is a pretty big place, and there's plenty of stories need telling. There's the Lunar Veil - she's a Firefly Class ship Captained by Jago Deckard, with a rag tag crew of interesting folk from every walk of life. They transport dangerous goods to harml ... More...

Members : 3

Characters : 57

Created : Nov 6, 2018

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The Order of The Moon logo

The Order of The Moon

The Order of the Moon is a game that combines elements of steampunk, fantasy, and horror in an alternative Earth setting. It's the Victorian Era and your character has been asked to join The Order of The Moon, a secretive group, funded by a select elite group of the upper class. Your group of fe ... More...

Members : 9

Characters : 27

Created : Mar 23, 2023

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Converge logo


***I am not accepting new players!!!*** The world is known as Converge and it is where all living things eventually make a visit. It is unknown when or why, but once a person arrives, they are met with a world of both beauty and horror. There are sweet things like honeysuckles, sunflowers and eve ... More...

Members : 3

Characters : 16

Created : Feb 1, 2024

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Inn at the Last Bridge, an Adventure in Middle Earth logo

Inn at the Last Bridge, an Adventure in Middle Earth

The Large Inn sits on the Great East Road near the Mitheithel River. Travelers have been few these last Winter months but the thaw is coming to the Trollshaws of Rhudaur. Strap on your Sword, shoulder your pack, bow and quiver. Pull your cloak tight around you to keep out the cold and take those ... More...

Members : 1

Characters : 1

Created : Jul 18, 2024

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Chronicles of Arcadia logo

Chronicles of Arcadia

Explore a brand new continent and endless possibilities, as you leave your old life behind in the Continent of Helias, searching for new beginnings and opportunities. The game will follow your characters journey trying to survive in a hostile and strange new world as you struggle to leave the gho ... More...

Members : 8

Characters : 22

Created : Dec 1, 2021

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Surviving the 'Plex. logo

Surviving the 'Plex.

Using the first edition for Shadowrun, the characters must find a way to survive, thrive, and stay alive while earning a living within the near future where the real meets fantasy. Storyteller's Notes: This is my first foray onto this platform so it'll be a bit of a learning curve but I have nea ... More...

Members : 2

Characters : 5

Created : May 24, 2024

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Fallout New Vegas, New Heroes logo

Fallout New Vegas, New Heroes

What if the Courier's luck ran out that fateful night in the Goodsprings cemetery? Who would change the fate of the Mojave in their stead? That's where you come in. Create characters to explore the Mojave, makes friends, create enemies, and have fun because war never changes. Rules 1.This is a M ... More...

Members : 6

Characters : 18

Created : Apr 10, 2023

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An Appointment in Zamora logo

An Appointment in Zamora

Set in the Hyborian Age in the years after the disappearance of King Conan, our adventure begins with a job as a simple caravan guard. The Player Characters are hired on to provide muscle as the caravan of Ibn al Saif sets out along the Road of Kings towards Zamora and beyond to the shores of the In ... More...

Members : 4

Characters : 4

Created : Nov 21, 2023

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Dark Age of Aeran logo

Dark Age of Aeran

It has been 112 years since the raid that changed the lands of Aeran. Two Kingdoms had warred and found ruin against Timber Crag. Dalen is no more, now a wasteland of monsters and warring city-states. Verden rises as the last of the Two Kingdoms of yore; the Eastern lands are a mass of prejudice and ... More...

Members : 10

Characters : 116

Created : Sep 29, 2020

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Fallout: Willamette logo

Fallout: Willamette

Fallout: Willamette is a PBP Fallout roleplaying game, set in Oregon. The game takes place in 2269, twenty eight years after the events of Fallout 2. The New California Republic has continued its expansion into other regions, it now has its eyes on the regions surrounding Portland, Oregon. But Orego ... More...

Members : 4

Characters : 22

Created : Apr 12, 2024

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Trespassers logo


It has been fifty years since the world was ravaged by the visitation. Now the continent of Europe is a barely habitable scarred landscape, managed by the remnants of the world's governments. Those who dare to seek answers about this new world trespass into the restricted territories, closed off to ... More...

Members : 5

Characters : 9

Created : Jan 3, 2024

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Star Wars: Alliance logo

Star Wars: Alliance

Set during the early years of the Imperial age, the Republic has fallen and a select few fight to form an alliance to restore the Republic. This game takes place from 3BBY, create either a Rebel or Imperial or something else entirely as you venture through a galaxy far far away. This game uses Canon ... More...

Members : 8

Characters : 65

Created : Oct 29, 2020

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Star Wars: War in the Unknown Regions logo

Star Wars: War in the Unknown Regions

NOTICE: We are no longer accepting characters that are not from the Unknow Regions or currently in the Unknown Regions. If your character is not originally from the Unknown Regions but already there your CS must state why. After Ahsoka was saved by Ezra and brought to the World Between Worlds an ... More...

Members : 6

Characters : 14

Created : Aug 29, 2023

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My So Called Life logo

My So Called Life

"My So Called Life" is a Slice of Life game that takes place in Prep school called Sakura High School (home of the Blue Falcons), in the city of Katz, California. The city of Katz is not to far from the coast and is a common spot for beach parties. It is told from the perspective of some of the st ... More...

Members : 8

Characters : 80

Created : Jul 15, 2020

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In Every Universe... (Invitation Only, Free to Read) logo

In Every Universe... (Invitation Only, Free to Read)

Just because things in the MCU we know followed a specific line doesn't mean all things on the line stay the same. When the lines between dimensions blur, many lives change. Though certain events will always occur, with the arrival of people from our universe through portals with no way home, the li ... More...

Members : 2

Characters : 11

Created : Jul 11, 2022

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Dark Series logo

Dark Series

This takes place two generations after Christine Feehan's Dark Series. ... More...

Members : 2

Characters : 3

Created : Jul 16, 2023

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Showing games 1 - 20 of 68