A Firefly Tale - a play-by-post rpg

A Firefly Tale play-by-post roleplaying game


Latest story summary:

Here's How it is: Firefly Origins - A look at the Alliance and Uprising of the Brown Coats. We aim to misbehave! **Sorry, we're not currently accepting new players.**

Posted by: Blitzen on Jun 1, 2024, 12:13pm

This game is private

Only members can read game posts

Post Summary

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
2018 43 226
2019 297 100 61 29 13 50 43 47 38 31 49 91
2020 79 100 83 106 87 128 34 19 29 20 13 8
2021 1 39 18 20 5 17 12 1 38 7 5
2022 5 7 2 4
2023 1 9 44 36 30 25 21 23 21 20
2024 33 16 31 34 31 23 21

Game Information

Created by : Blitzen

Category : Sci-Fi Adventure Western Romance Mature

Number of characters : 18

Number of posts : 2424

Created : Nov 6, 2018


Winters Blitzen


There are 3 members in this game

Pending Members

There are no pending members in this game