Characters in this post

View character profile for: Gelf

View character profile for: Sorley Millward

View character profile for: Skorn
But I Love You
“Sorley, how you doing?!” Skorn would say as he walked up to the water user, hands in his jacket pockets. An unlit cigarette hung from between his lips as he smiled. “So, how did the date go last night? You two have fun?”
“Gelf is a good woman!” Sorley turned red as he remembered the kiss. As always Sorley was protective of Gelf and her reputation. He did not want Skorn to think Gelf was easy because they kissed after dating for only a month. Sorley was also worrying about his test results making him more jumpy.
“I know that, dork,” Skorn said, rolling his eyes. “But did ya both have fun? Go on a walk and chat and stuff like that.” He never imagined Gelf as someone to do anything inappropriate. “Ya better be treating her right. Girl is like a sister to me.”
Sorley gulped, now worried about a different reaction from Skorn over Gelf’s kiss. “We went to a nice restaurant and I helped her with the animals at the farm.”
“You finally got to see the farm? Awesome!” Skorn said with a big grin. “Oh, did you visit the pond? I know Gelf said she was excited to tell you and show you it since you like water so much.”
“Not yet.” They had been planning on going to it in the morning but Sorley ended up not spending the night. “Maybe next time I’m over there.”
“It’s big enough that ya can swim in, so I bet you’ll have fun and enjoy it.” Skorn said. “From what Gelf told me, these pretty flowers are supposed to bloom in spring all around it.”
“She showed me some pictures, it’s beautiful.” Sorley smiled, he looked forward to swimming in the pond. Unless they had to break up… Sorley’s smile faded with worry.
“Hm?” Skorn raised an eyebrow. “What’s with the frown?”
“Nothing.” Sorley lied, turning his attention back to the plumbing.
Skorn narrowed his eyes. “That doesn’t sound like a nothing…”
“I’m fine.” Sorley mumbled.
“You know, if you hurt Gelf, I’ll make you regret it…right?” Skorn stared at him with a serious expression on his face now.
Sorley went from blushing to pale white really fast. “I never want to hurt her. I love her so much.”
“Then explain what’s with that look.” Skorn said.
“I never want to hurt her.” Sorley knew he was just repeating himself. He looked close to tears.
“That’s just repeating yourself, dude!” Skorn sounded annoyed now.
“I know!” Sorley’s voice cracked with anxiety.
“Then explain yourself.” The man finally lit his cigarette to keep his annoyance under control.
“It’s- it’s personal.” Sorley was panicking, tears spilling from his eyes.
Skorn snorted. “Sure, but I live next to Gelf, so if ya hurt her, I’ll know.” He said and started to walk away, blowing out smoke.
“I never want to hurt her.” Sorley whispered, shoulders hunched tight. Gelf deserved better. Maybe he should not wait for the test results and break up with her now. The sooner he broke up with her the sooner she could get over him and move on.
Gelf would find Sorley and run up to him, hugging him. “Hey!” She said.
Sorley was started, he stiffened for a moment, then hugged Gelf back like it would be the last time he ever hugged her.
Gelf gave him a big kiss on the cheek as she finally let go and smiled at him. “Skorn said you were this way and I’m gonna have breaKfast with Yule, Haven, and Nilima. Want to join?!”
Sorley blushed, the kiss on his cheek felt like electricity. He was still close to tears and regaining control of his emotions. “Uh.”
“Hm?” Gelf tilted her head, cat ears twitching as she watched him. “What’s wrong?”
Sorley looked at Gelf, trying to come up with any explanation that was not a lie but not the whole truth. She looked so perfect, he loved her so much, he hated to think about losing her. He burst into tears.
Gelf jumped slightly and touched his arm. “Sorley, what’s going on? What’s got you so upset? Did someone bully you?!”
“I can’t talk about it.” Sorley said miserably.
“Oh,” Gelf used her shirt to wipe away his tears. “Why not?”
“You should have better.” Sorley said.
“What?” Gelf was confused. Where was this coming from?!
“I’m damaged.” Sorley could not look Gelf in the eye, he was so ashamed. He never should have let it get this far.
“We’re all damaged, Sorley.” Gelf admitted.
“I-I might have a disease. Or even diseases.” Sorley blurted. “I never want to hurt you.”
“You think diseases will make me not want you, Sorley?” Gelf looked appalled. “I love you, you dork! If you have something, we can figure things out.”
“You want to have kids… I could get you sick or worse.” Sorley felt sick.
“We can find a way around it.” Gelf repeated. “I love you, Sorley. Nothing is going to change that.”
“You could find someone better who isn’t damaged. You’re beautiful, smart, so kind…” Sorley said.
“But I choose you, Sorley.” Gelf retorted.
Sorley blushed.
Gelf kissed him gently and smiled. “I love you, Sorley.”
“I love you too.” Sorley whispered.
“Want to get breakfast now or do you want to keep working?” Gelf asked, trying to distract him.
“I want to get breakfast.” Sorley said softly.
“Okay,” Gelf smiled and took his hand in hers.
Sorley smiled, gently wrapping his fingers around Gelf’s delicate hand. He loved how it felt.
Happy to see Sorley smiling again, Gelf pulled him along toward the cafeteria.
Sorley would follow Gelf anywhere and let her lead him to the cafeteria.