December - a play-by-post rpg

December play-by-post roleplaying game


Latest story summary:

In Progress: Seven Deadly Sins; C3, the Cyberpunk AU; and DS - Summer Romance Series. Serena's Scrapbook is added under Game Information Section. Still Shake Shaking it like a snow globe! ***Sorry, we are not accepting new players***

Posted by: Winters on Jun 20, 2024, 1:55am

This game is private

Only members can read game posts

Post Summary

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
2021 35 4
2022 15 1 1 18
2023 3 10 11 54 100 86 100 188 225 131 158
2024 258 192 245 171 158 208 180

Game Information

Created by : Blitzen

Category : Fantasy Sci-Fi Adventure Supernatural Comedy Romance Mature

Number of characters : 50

Number of posts : 2552

Created : Oct 13, 2021


Winters Blitzen


There are 3 members in this game

Pending Members

There are no pending members in this game