JP - About Project Nero

Mark approached Bumble "everything alright?"

Bumble shifted in place and nodded. “For me, yes, but…I think you all may recognize this name…have you ever heard of Project Nero?” She inquired.

Mark nodded " Loreen's nephew. He used to stay at our village before the fall. Why did you bring him up?"

“Over the past five years during my time at the facility there was talk of a teenager with that name…I believe they may have recreated him in one of the labs…” Bumble explained, gently rocking Breezy.

"Thank you for telling me this" Mark sighed "I'm going to begin making plans in case we have to encounter him."

“I’m not sure if he’s…whatever his former self used to be, but he seems to be just as powerful. Thrane uses him in a lot of experiments and retrieval jobs from my understanding.” Bumble explained. “It’s shocking how much gossip the guards share when they think you’re too dumb to understand.”

"Luckily Megacorp doesn't tend to hire the brightest " Mark chuckled.

Bumble nodded. “I hope this information helps…”

Mark smiled "every bit of information helps and what you brought me helps immensely."

"I do worry about this Nero, though…from my understanding he has the mind of a child…" She replied and hugged her own child close.

"Hopefully we can find him some help then" Mark replied.

“Thank you for letting me inform you of this…” Bumble answered. “I will warn you now…I don’t know how long the project has been going on, but I believe it has been at least thirteen years…”

Mark nodded he remembered how messed up Nero was with Loreen. He couldn't imagine what had happened under Thranes thumb.

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