JP - Bella Wants Her Huma

Rushing down the halls, Bella barked loudly and sniffed around in search of Bronte. Any time she would catch his scent she would follow it until it got lost amongst other smells. Whimpering when she found herself in the same cross-section for a third time, she let out a mournful howl.

Bronte had been in his room, trying to distract himself with a book but having no luck. Then he heard the mournful howl. At first he thought he had imagined it, but he went to his door and opened it. “Bella?”

Bella’s ears perked up and she barked, rushing toward Bronte. The moment she was within range, she pounced on him, barking happily as her tail wagged.

Bronte hit the ground hard but managed to not hit his head. “Bella!” He smiled and patted her head. “How did you get back?”

Bella gave a bark - as if that would tell him everything - and nuzzled into his chest happily. Her tail wagged faster with how overjoyed she was to see him.

Bronte was relieved to have her back. He wondered if Riven was mistaken and just lost her scent while she was exploring. “Where did you go?”

At that question, Bella’s ears fell and she whimpered in a guilty manner.

Bronte sat up, concerned at Bella’s sudden change in demeanor. “What’s wrong?”

Bella just whimpered more as Riven walked up to them. “She was with that dickwad, Canestone…well, a clone of him anyway.” He explained. “You two okay?”

Bronte had seen that clone in action, he knew the man was a monster. “I’m okay- but is she okay? She probably should be in the med ward if she was with him.”

“No, she seems fine for the most part. I do want to get her a pregnancy test done, though.” Riven commented with obvious worry. “They must have fixed her injuries at the facility or something. I assume they took her back with Canestone involved and looking for James…”

Bella panted and nuzzled into Bronte more, practically curling up on his lap.

“Bella…” Bronte said sadly. MegaCorp treated her like an animal.

Staring at Bronte, Bella panted more and hugged him.

“I noticed…” Riven said. “Do you want to come with her to get the test done? She’s obviously attached to you.”

“I guess.” Bronte blushed slightly.

Riven raised an eyebrow. “You…guess?”

“I’ll go with her.” Bronte said. “But will she test positive so soon even if she… is?”

“Not sure, but I’ll tell them to test her again in a week or two.” Riven said. “This is just a precaution since, well, I’m sure she didn’t get a morning after pill or anything.”

“Isn’t that pill supposed to be effective for a few days afterwards?” Bronte had remembered overhearing Frisk explaining how it worked to someone. “Let’s get her to the med ward.”

“It’s up to Bella if she’s willing to take it or not, though. Okay?” Riven reminded, staring at the dog girl. He hated seeing how she acted and was obviously treated. This girl had been forced to literally be a dog.

Bella barked and licked Bronte’s face before chasing her own tail.

“Of course.” Bronte said. He was relieved that he could not get pregnant himself after Coral. He tried not to think about if Coral could have made herself… Bronte felt sick. “Let’s just get her to the med ward now.” Bronte said in a small voice.

Bella looked up at Bronte and barked playfully at him, tail wagging again as she ran around him in circles.

Riven couldn’t stop the chuckle. “She’s adorable.”

Bronte could not help but smile at Bella’s antics. “Yeah.” He agreed, heading to the Med Ward.

Following the men, Bella sniffed around the place and barked at people. This caused them to either jump or pet her. Either way, getting to the med ward took a good half hour…

Finally they reached the med ward! Bronte tried to get a doctor to check Bella out, preferably a female doctor…

The only person available at the moment was a nurse who handed them a morning after pill and a pregnancy test to use in a few weeks. When they tried to give her the pill, Bella thrashed and fought and smacked it away, barking angrily at them. She even bit the nurse.

“She doesn’t want it! Why are you trying to force her to take a pill? She’s human!” Bronte said angrily. “You didn’t even explain to her what it’s for.”

“We did!” The nurse whined and rubbed her bitten wrist. “She’s the one acting like a-” The nurse was slapped by the doctor that had found the barcode on Bella’s neck.

“Get out.” He said harshly.

She instantly listened.

The doctor turned to Bronte and Bella. “I’m sorry about that.” He said and brushed back Bella’s hair, fixing her ears for her. “If she doesn’t want the pill, she doesn’t have to take it. Okay?” He poked her nose and got a tail wag from her. “Though, in two weeks, I do want you to come back and let me draw some blood for a pregnancy test. Riven told me what he…smelled.”

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