JP - Evie checks out Gelf's Ring

Kiana strolled back into the room, perking up when she saw her brother and Gelf there. “I’m back-” did you see Gelf’s Ring?! Kiana mouthed to Evie.

Sorley gently squeezed Gelf’s hand back.

Evie stared at Kiana in confusion.

Gelf looked at Kiana. “Seriously?” She asked but was smiling.

“Check out her ring!” Kiana told Evie.

Sorley blushed, releasing Gelf’s hand so Evie could see the ring.

Gelf raised her hand so Evie could look. All the lightning user could do was gently poke it, obviously not impressed by jewelry. “It’s pretty, but wouldn’t it b-be better just to-to get married?” She asked.

Gelf blinked, not sure how to respond.

Poor Sorley did not know how to respond either, besides blushing even more.

Kiana chuckled. “They’re getting married. Probably soon since they’ve been living together for five years.”

“You…you still live on the f-farm too, right?” Evie asked the red headed woman. “C-c…can I still live th-there?”

“Of course!” Gelf blurted as if that were the most logical thing on the planet. “You’re always welcome!”

“We kept your room just the way you left it too!” Kiana said.

“We look forward to you coming home.” Sorley said as he recovered from blushing.

“When c-can I go home?” Evie asked, wishing a doctor would tell them that.

“As soon as the doctors says you can… and if they’re going to make you stay here too long we’ll tell them to fuck off and take you home.” Kiana said.

“B-b…but if I’m not o-okay…” She shuddered, but was happy to know she was not pregnant. It seemed no matter how many times they had her raped in that place, she never got pregnant. A part of her thinks that was thanks to whoever brought her food…

Kiana smiled and patted Evie’s arm. “Don’t worry, we won’t take you from here before you’re ready to leave.”

Whiskers chirruped sleepily and purred out of tune.

Sorley smiled, his fingers slipping around Gelf’s hand without even realizing it.

Leimomi gently tapped on the door.

“C-c-come in…” Evie squeaked softly.

“Hello Evie.” Leimomi greeted the lightning wielder after she stepped into the room. “Hello Gelf, Sorley,” She had them as patients in the past, Sorley still had sessions with her. “Kiana. I hope everything is going well."

Kiana nodded. "Look at Gelf's ring." She told the therapist in a loud whisper.

Leimomi smiled and turned to Gelf and Sorley. "Congratulations."

"Thanks." Sorley blushed. "Maybe we should go so you can talk to Evie."

"I…I'm okay," Evie said and reached toward Kiana. "D-d-don't go…"

“I’ll stay as long as you want me here.” Kiana said, sitting in a chair next to Evie’s bed. Whiskers gave a deep, purring sigh of contentment.

“Is it okay if Gelf and I step out?” Sorley asked. He had been surprised that Evie wanted a hug from him, but suspected having a guy sit in with her therapist would be more than she was comfortable with. He also wanted to talk to Gelf about that thing the alarm interrupted.

“W-will you come back af-after we’re done talking?” Evie asked them. She didn’t really see Sorley as a guy so much as just a brother. In her mind he didn’t count as someone who would harm her. All she saw was the kind young man that could control water and loved his family.

Gelf nodded. “We will, I promise.” She said and pulled Sorley out of the room.

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