JP - Defying Goddess

“T-thank you…” Evie said before there was a knock at the door.

“You decent?” Riven asked from outside. “I brought Evie dinner.”

“Yeah.” Kiana said, getting the door. “Hi- Riven.” It was so weird having Riven alive again.

“Hey,” Riven said with a kind smile. “I noticed Evie didn’t get dinner, so I figured I’d bring her some.” He held up the tray calmly. “How have you been, Kiana? I…I have vague memories of meeting you. They mixed up a lot of them when I woke up in the lab…”

“I’ve been okay.” Kiana said, taking the tray from Riven. She turned to see how Evie was about Riven being there. If Evie looked the least bit uncomfortable she would tell the Wolf Man to get lost.

Evie sat up, her eyes going to Riven and lighting up just a tiny bit. “W-would you…uhm…like to…uh…talk? Or…uh…w-what’s it called Kiana? Hanging…hanging out?” She stumbled over the words as her eyes turned to the tray and all she saw was the bowl of froot loops sitting next to a glass of milk.

Riven looked at Kiana, wanting to know from her if it was okay to stick around. If it was not, he’d leave, but Evie seemed to want him there at least. He’d just make sure to give her space.

“Yeah, come in and hang out.” Kiana said, bringing the tray to Evie. Whiskers’ whiskers twitched curiously. <No milk for you!>

Riven chose to keep the door open for Evie’s comfort so she wouldn’t feel locked in and sat in a chair, giving them all a kind smile. “Hope you’ve been getting all the rest you need, Evie.” He said.

Evie nodded as she took the bowl and nibbled on the cereal. Giving Whiskers a little scratch on the chin, she tried not to stare at the wolf man. “I…I…I am t-trying…” She said softly.

Whiskers purred and slowly scooted closer and closer to her glass of milk.

Kiana protectively sat beside Evie.

Evie poked Whiskers’ nose. “Kiana s-said years ago th-that you can’t…” She told him.

Riven chuckled. “Whiskers is still as ornery as ever, I see.”

Kiana grinned. <Listen to your Goddess.>

Whiskers looked at Evie with big, innocent kitten eyes.

Evie wanted to give in so bad, so she looked at Kiana and Riven. “Help…”

Kiana took the glass of milk, making sure Evie had enough water to drink. <Stop begging Evie for something bad for you!>

Whiskers sadly flopped over on his back so Evie could give him a belly rub.

“Thank you, Kiana…” Evie said and went back to her froot loops. She did try to eat some of the other, more healthy food Riven brought, too, but her hands always returned to the cereal.

“I’ve been talking to the doctors a bit and they want to get some scans done to make sure everything is okay with Evie internally.” Riven spoke up. “I’m not sure how she’d feel about that, so I figured I would talk to you two first. I know Evie cherishes your opinion, Kiana.”

“Internally? Geeze, what did the fuckers do?” Kiana asked.

“I’m not sure…I only collected the files. I didn’t read it.” Riven explained. “The medical staff are looking over it all, though, because they want to be able to help. Is that okay, Evie? If they get scans and such?”

Evie nodded and leaned against Kiana.

“It’s probably just a precaution.” Kiana said.

“I hope so,” Riven replied. “She’s been through enough…”

Of course Kiana was wondering how bad it could be. Five years ago it turned out that Evie had a knife stuck in her for years. And she had heard horror stories about how metas were treated in MegaCorp. She gently put a protective arm around Evie. “It will be okay.”

Riven nodded in agreement with Kiana. “Oh, right, I found a box of card games in one of the closets in the hallway.” He reached into his backpack and pulled out the box, setting it on the table he was near. “It gets really boring sitting around in this place, so I figured you might enjoy them.” He offered both women.

Evie’s face turned a soft pink.

“Thanks, I haven’t played Uno in ages.” Kiana said, not missing Evie’s blush.

Whiskers began slinking towards Evie’s glass of milk.

Spotting Whiskers, Evie snatched up the glass of milk. “No.” She said sternly.

Riven blinked and watched for a moment before digging out the Uno cards and showing them to Kiana. “Good to know.”

Whiskers gave Evie the biggest, saddest kitten look.

<Behave Whiskers! You know milk gives you the shits.> Kiana sent to her cat and looked at the deck of Uno cards.

Riven held out the cards to Kiana.

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