JP - Uno

Evie slowly drank the milk and tried not to look at Whiskers because if he kept looking at her like that, she’d cave in and give him some of it.

<Knock it off, Whiskers.> Kiana accepted the cards and began shuffling them in practiced motions. “You know how to play Uno, Evie?”

Whiskers played dead.

Evie nodded and drank more of the milk. “W-w…wanna play, Riven?” She asked shyly.

“Sure,” The wolf man said. “Want me to bring a table over there?” Getting a nod from the lightning user, he moved the small table and sat across from the two women.

Kiana dealt the cards and got the game going. Whiskers gave up playing dead and jumped on the table.

Evie stared at Whiskers. “What are you up to?” She asked, frowning.

Whiskers rolled around on the table, messing up the cards, looking so cute and innocent.

<Dammit Whiskers!> Kiana frowned.

Evie just frowned and grabbed up Whiskers, putting him back on the bed. “Stop it.”

Riven grabbed up the scattered cards for them. “You’re upsetting her, buddy…”

Whiskers gave the saddest mew and cuddled against Evie’s back.

Kiana was not going easy on Riven or even Evie in this game and was playing for blood.

Riven chuckled, enjoying the game despite losing against the girls.

Evie had fun, always seeming to get stuck in a tie with Kiana. She would absently pet Whiskers as they played. For once in five years, it felt like she was home again.

Kiana began to wonder if Whiskers was helping Evie cheat. But she could see that Evie was having a good time and that made her happy.

After a bit of fun with the card game Evie started to grimace in discomfort. Her scent would give off a sign that she was in pain again.

"Want me to get the doctor?" Riven asked.

Kiana nodded, setting down her cards and taking Evie’s hand. “A female doctor.” Kiana stressed.

Whiskers could smell the pain and tried to soothe Evie by purring.

Riven nodded and left the room.

Evie whimpered softly, tensing up from the fresh waves of pain hitting her. “They hurt…” She whispered as a female nurse entered the room with a syringe for the IV she had in.

“This should help with the pain, but it may make you sleepy, hun.” The nurse said softly.

"It'll feel better soon." Kiana assured her, hating to see Evie in pain.

Evie nodded as she got back into a proper position on the bed, pulling the blanket up to her shoulders. “T-tell Riven I’m s-s-sorry our game ended…” She whispered.

"I'm sure he'll understand." Kiana said, wishing Evie had more confidence. Whiskers kneaded Evie's pillow.

The lightning user nodded and curled up, not minding what Whiskers was doing. “I just…wa-wanna go home…” She whispered as the drowsiness started to kick in.

Kiana stopped the doctor before she could leave. "When can Evie come home?"

“We want to make sure she’s not going to develop any infections in all of her wounds.” The doctor said calmly. “It’ll be a few days, but so long as her healing progresses and she’s not showing signs of infection, she can go home at most in three days.”

“Just three more days.” Kiana told Evie, gently fixing her blankets.

“Okay…” Evie mumbled and fell into a deep sleep as the medicine took hold.

Kiana settled in a chair and dozed off.

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